

5 Tips to Shopping with a Toddler

1- Be Prepared (This will speed up the trip and help you spend less)
~Have a list ready of the items you need, clip any coupons you plan to use 
~Map out where you plan to go first in the store then organize your list accordingly
~Take along a little treat for your toddler
2- Go at a Good Time
~Avoid going right before naps or bed when you child is more likely to overreact
3- Take Advantage of What the Store has to Offer
~Use a fun shopping cart
~ Grab a free cookie from the bakery
~ Many stores have suckers or Smarties they give to kids at check-out
4- Involve your Toddler
~Make shopping fun by playing “I spy” and having your child help you find certain items
~Have your child help hold the shopping list
~Have your child help hand the cashier items at check-out
~Try to have the attitude that shopping is fun not just a chore, your child will catch on
5- Bribe your Toddler
~Try to do this to reward good behavior not reinforce bad behavior
~I like to use little snacks since we usually go shopping around snack time anyways. I usually bring a sucker, fruit snacks, string cheese or crackers…use what you have


  1. Great tips! Sometimes we get so caught up with our own agendas and we just expect our little ones to comply. It's a nice reminder to take a few extra steps to make the trip more pleasant for everyone!

  2. Great ideas! I have heard way to many parents yelling and yelling at their children for the silliest things. I can't help but wonder if they are thinking about their kids needs/feelings at all! Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Have a great week,
    Beth =-)
