


It's amazing how much fun you can have when you set a theme for the week. Both my kids and I noticed things we normally don't notice and we had a lot of fun with these activities:

Have your child help with the harvest: pick some apples, plumbs, winter squash or a pumpkin.

Have your kids help you clean the flower beds and garden in preparation for winter. We had a lot of fun pulling up corn stalks and then decorating with them. My little guy loved being able to pull up plants…I had kept him from pulling them out all year!

Rake up some leaves then have fun in them.

Plant a flower or some sort of seed in a little cup and explain to your child how plants grow, water it each day together and then wait for it to grow.

Go to the library or find a book you already have about plants and read it together.

Go on a nature walk, observe the flowers, plants, and trees. The leaves are fun to focus on this time of year.

Collect a bouquet and make a centerpiece for the table or spice up an area in your home. Don’t we all have an old vase laying around? Put it to good use and enjoy it for FREE.

Go to the store and spend some time in the plant section. My little guy LOVED it!!! We pretended we were in the jungle. If plants aren't in season go to a craft store and take a walk through the fake greenery.

Pull out the Play Doe…even my 2 year old can make a tree!

If you are able pick something together and then eat it for a snack (Apple, plum, tomato…whatever you have access to) It’s fun for kids to eat what they pick.

Pull out the veggies (You will need: carrot sticks, celery, a tomato, and some ranch dressing you can also use cauliflower or broccoli) Arrange them on a plate to have them look like a flower or a tree.

You can also use fruit (You can either use bananas and strawberries or kiwi and berries) Use either the banana or kiwi for a flower center and the berries for flower petals. Add licorice for a stem. Get creative and have fun!


  1. That baby carrot flower is adorable! I love that you used the celery leaves. Great idea!

  2. That baby carrot flower is adorable! I love that you used the celery leaves. Great idea!

  3. Anonymous9/18/2012

    Thanks for the cute veggie ideas. I needed nutrition ideas for my college health class for teachers. Thanks :)

  4. Anonymous5/03/2013

    Love the carrot flower! we did used it when we were learning the letter F! I have a homeschool preschool facebook page... I linked to your blog with our version of the flower :) Thanks for the great idea!

  5. I'm a kid-friendly Nana and soo appreciate these great ideas to help kids eat healthier. That carrot tree is just adorable and I can't wait to make it!! =)
