

Responsibility Chart

I have a friend who shared this wonderful way she helps her daughter do the things she needs to on a daily basis.  I have a 3 year old boy and I have been searching/thinking of ways to help teach him responsibility and to try to re-enforce positive behavior.  I  put her idea to the test and we have been doing it for a month.  It has worked well and so I wanted to share it with you.

The Idea
The chart is good for 1 week with a space to check off 10 separate responsibilities each day.  (I put responsibilities that my boy needs to work on and things that he is already doing well).  At the end of each day he gets to check the boxes he has done...we do this together. 

 I expect him to do at least 6 things everyday.  If he does more than 6 he gets points, if he does less he loses points.  We add the points up at the end of each day.

We have set point values for things he wants to do. (Example: Trip to Zoo=25 points, Fishing with Dad=10, Movie =1)  When he gets enough points he can cash them in for what he wants to do or save them...he gets to pick what he uses them for. 

Why I Like this Chart
It eliminates arguments, I simply say "alright, you lost a check" and that's it.  If my little guy starts to whine I say "Your gonna lose a check" and he usually stops, if he doesn't he loses a check.  

It gives us an opportunity to evaluate at the end of each day and talk about how we can improve the next day. 

I feel like giving my little boy responsibility helps him to feel valued and needed.

It teaches the value of numbers.

The Chart
I created this chart for my boy in Photoshop using clipart from my computer and scrapbook supplies I purchased from Just So Scrappy.  If you would like to use the chart you can download the boy version here or the girl version here or just click on the image you want below. 

To help keep track of the point system and to make this whole chart seem like a "big deal" to my little guy I  secured it to a foam board and let him help me put scrapbook paper on it. (He has been watching me scrapbook and has wanted to help.)  

We glued magnets to the back of the foam board so we could hang it on the fridge.

We covered the foam board with scrapbook paper and added stickers to spell out "My Chart." We then glued two long notepads and two tiny ones to the board. The notepads on the left are where we record the things he wants to do with his points. The notepads on the right are  where we record the total amount of points he has earned. 

Other Ways to Use This Chart
I didn't laminate the chart but after a month and a half of printing out new pages each week I am going to.  

** Disclaimer**
 This hasn't solved all of our problems...I still have to put him in time-out and give him alone time.  It has helped decrease the amount of times it happens though and it has kept me from having to repeat myself a million times when it comes to the little everyday tasks like whining, picking up toys, and eating dinner.  

**Please don't feel like you have to "Go all out." My hope in sharing this is to make things easier for you.  This chart works great as a simple check off sheet, so don't feel like you have to incorporate my system to make it work.


  1. I would love to have one for my little girl, who is 3 now. And I can use it for my older sun also!!!

  2. I couldn't get the charts to show up.
