

Pom Pom Tutorial

Have you seen these fun pom poms....what a fun way to add color and character to any room.  If you have ever wanted to make these you are in luck, because my friend Lauren has a blog and has agreed to share her tutorial with us.  Thanks Lauren!  Click here to check out her blog!

First off, pick out your desired color(s) of wrapping tissue.

For a basketball size pom pom, use two packages (20 sheets)
You can make smaller sizes by cutting the sheets in half. They will still be full, only smaller.

Step 1: Fan-fold all 20 sheets
Step 2 and Step 3: Fold in half 

Step 4: Cut ends so they are rounded. 
This will give the pom pom a scalloped look. 

Step 5: Tie ribbon around folded area. 
{Make sure its long enough to hang where you want the finished product!} 
Step 6: Separate the tissue individually on either side of ribbon, firmly, 
but gently pull away from surrounding pieces.

Step 7: Separate each piece of tissue on one side of the ribbon
Step 8: Repeat on other side creating a ball shape

Here's some more examples:

And here is the finished product!
Thanks for sharing Lauren!  ; )  I'm off to go get some tissue paper!

I wanted to share with you the pom poms we made for Halloween.  Here is a picture, aren't they fun?


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