

Week 4: Finger Paint

I had an awesome time with my boys this week. We made and played with super easy homemade finger paint.

I had a can of expired sweetened and condensed milk so we added some food coloring to it, mixed it up and had some fun!

One of my favorite things about this mixture was that my little guy could eat it and I didn't have to worry about what was in it....I made it so I know! ; )

We painted a few pictures and had a blast.  It's kinda messy so be prepared for some sticky clean up.  Also prepare to let your pictures dry for about a day.  We did some pretty thick painting though so i'm sure that drying time varies depending on how thick you apply the paint.

We didn't make this finger paint this week, but shared this activity in a previous blog post.  It's a good one too if you want something that's thicker or not quite as runny.  Give it a try! ; )  How did it go?

1/2 cup of cornstarch OR 1 cup of Flour
4 tablespoons of sugar
2 cups of cold water
Food coloring
Pinch of Salt
Directions: Mix all of the ingredients together in a medium pan. Cook over a low heat for about 10 minutes. Keep stirring the mixture until it is smooth and thick. Once it has thickened turn the burner off and let it cool. After cooling divide the finger paint into separate storage containers and add food coloring. Make sure the lids are on tight while storing so it doesn’t dry out.

This was a really fun activity for me and my 2 year old! It was fun for him to help make it and see the colors change as we added coloring. It was fun all over when we got to color with it and get all messy. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did! ; )
Here is the recipe with pictures and some of my son digging in….so fun!


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