

72 Hour Emergency Kit

It's important to be prepared for an emergency.  One way that we have prepared is by creating 72-hour kits for each family member.  Today I will show you the food that I have included in each of our kits.  I know that you can get all fancy in the foods you store for emergencies but I wanted stuff we were used to and that would be super easy to prepare if needed.  Here is a picture of our kits.

Here is the list of food I have included in each kit:

3 oz pkg beef jerky
1 can pork & beans
1 V8
1 can of lasagna
1 can of spaghetti and meatballs
1 can of sliced peaches
1 can of soup
1 can of spagettio's
2 nutri grain bars
1 breakfast on the go pack
1 package of dried fruit
2 packages of crackers and cheese
3 granola bars
5 fruit snacks
1 Kelloggs Breakfast shake
1 can of shredded chicken
1 can of Vienna sausage
1 can opener

I got these BIG bags at the dollar store.  They easily fit all the food listed above plus more!! ; )  I like that they keep everything water proof as well.

  We store our kits in backpacks along with other necessities and a change of clothes.  Here are our kits all ready to go.

When I packaged my food into the kits I listed each item in a notebook and wrote the expiration date down next to each item.  All of the food items I picked will be good for at least a year.  My plan is to rotate the expired food out each year.  We plan to rotate ours each April.

Also, I think it's important to note that these kits don't include water at the moment.  In our food storage we have bottled waters stored near our kits.  If we need to evacuate we will need to add a couple water bottles. ; )

Do you have an emergency kit!?  What are your favorite items in it?

1 comment:

  1. A very good Blog and a very well prepared kit for toddlers. I will recommend this to everyone. I am also very conscious about survival kits and keep it with me all the time. In my Survival Kit, I collect some necessary thing of daily life and some necessary things to save life in case of danger.
