

If You Give a Moose a Muffin Theme Day

This is another book we really enjoy. We read it and then did some activities to go along with the book.

First we made some muffins. We made real old fashioned raspberry muffins using the recipe found here.

The kids really liked them!

We also made puppets, we made a mouse and a moose puppet.

I found the colored socks at the dollar store.  I sewed the whiskers on the mouse and the kids helped glue felt and buttons to the socks. If you choose to use a glue gun like we did be sure to put some cardboard in the sock to prevent the kids from gluing the sock together. 

We then drew some scenery for our puppet show. We used a cardboard box and sidewalk chalk. I didn't want to mess with paint. 

When we finished the scenery we hung it up and put on a puppet show. 

This was a pretty simple theme day and a lot of fun. The kids love their new puppets and I love that I found a great homemade muffin recipe. 

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