

If You Give a Pig a Pancake

A couple weeks ago we made a day out of reenacting scenes from the book "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie." You can view what we did by clicking here.  My little guy had a really fun time with it and kept asking to do it again but with the pig or moose.  He has been really into cooking lately and keeps pretending to make pancakes so I got really excited about doing this with him.  We broke this one up into 2 days because last time we did it all in one day and it felt like we were having to rush the kids from one activity to the next.  

Anywho, here is what we did: We read the book lots of times leading up to this.

First, we made piggy ears and snouts.

Then we made pancakes!
We have a favorite pancake recipe if you are looking for a good one you can find it here.

Dad reviewed what happened in the book while I made pancakes.

Next, we ate pancakes with lots of maple syrup...

the kids got sticky so they took a bath.

Then the kids got dressed and danced to music

We wrote some letters and colored some pictures for grandparents, put them in envelopes and added a stamp to the corner and took them to the Post Office. 

Then we built a fort (In the book it's a tree house, but this was good for us)
It was a very simple activity but lots of fun!  We enjoyed being little piggies for a day. 

My little boy is still taking about doing an activity for "If You Give a Moose a Muffin" so I am sure we will be sharing that soon.  He doesn't know about the book "If You Give a Cat a Cupcake" but I am planning to do something fun with that too.  Have fun with your activities!

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