My family and I just moved over our Christmas break and it has given me the opportunity to put some organization into my life! The best thing that I did with this move, is I got rid of a lot of stuff. I love these quotes!
"Bottom line is, if you do not use it or need it,
it's clutter, and it needs to go."
Charisse Ward
"The more you have, the more you are occupied.
The less you have, the more free you are."
Mother Teresa
it's clutter, and it needs to go."
Charisse Ward
"The more you have, the more you are occupied.
The less you have, the more free you are."
Mother Teresa
Every single thing in my house now has a home! I had a few items like internet cords, old cell phone chargers, dead batteries, etc. that have been passed from drawer to drawer. They hadn't been used in years, so now they are gone! It feels good.
I don't know about you but the #1 clutter maker in our home is paper, you know newspaper, ads, junk mail, bills. We no longer get the newspaper so that has helped a ton. Also I have made it my own personal rule to organize the papers as they come in. No more paper piles for me! ; ) Ads and junk mail get recycled as they enter the house and the other mail gets filed or read right away.
Here are a few other ideas that I have recently come up with to help keep things organized at home.
In the kitchen I use a picture stand to hold our I pad It's works for me because the kids can't get to it. I love to use it this way when Pandora is playing as background music and when I'm looking at a recipe while I cook.
I use these plastic storage bins everywhere. There's one under the bathroom sink, some in the closets, one in the laundry room, and this one is used on my husbands desk.
I was born and raised in Utah, but am now living in the Midwest while my husband attends medical school. Needless to say, humidity is a new thing for me! These containers are awesome to hold a lot of our dry goods. I like to write the directions from the box right on the container so I never forget.
I love these 5 gallon buckets with lids that you can spin on and off. Just in case you are wondering, the lids are sold separately.
I love that the 5 gallon buckets hold so much, they are easy to get to and can be stacked if needed, and it frees up counter space because I don't have to use canisters anymore!
A recent Busy Bag Swap is what inspired this next one. I wanted a way to store all my new busy bags so they would stay organized and actually be used! I had some extra shower hooks and curtain loops that weren't being used. If I wasn't going to use them then I was going to get rid of them so this was the perfect solution!
These hang from the closet in our office. They make it so easy to grab whatever busy bag or crafting project that I need next.
So, I used to be really good at using this spread sheet to plan out my week. Now....not so much, but I'm going to start using it again soon! This was good when my baby got older and I was nursing every 4 hours. It helped me remember when he needed to eat. Also, on the bottom of the spreadsheet, I have my cleaning schedule and was able to track if I was drinking my 3 water bottles of water each day! ; ) The very bottom line was for anything going on in my husbands day that I needed to be aware of.
In My Meal Plan post a while back I mentioned the dinner options list on my fridge. I have now added a magnetic sticky pad on the side of the fridge where I can write down any food we run out of and use as a grocery list later on.
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