I’m taking my boys on their first ever airplane trip in a few weeks. My husband is interviewing for graduate schools, so we will be on the plane and in the car for hours! Here are 10 things we will be taking with us to help entertain the boys on the trip.
-cheap digital camera (my guy loves seeing pictures of himself).
-Blue Painters Tape (to mold sculptures, play find the tape, stick on things or maybe to cover a mouth or two….Don’t worry that last one’s a joke!)
-Home-made games like I spy with my little eye.
-Magnetic Drawing Board (this way we won’t worry about dropping crayons everywhere)
-My soon to be started and finished quiet book! I’ve got the layout all picked out and will be busy making it in the next week. ; )
-Juice Boxes or Gum (to help ease ear pain) and other favorite treats.
-DVD Player, headphones & favorite DVD’s
-Mint tin full of magnets. My toddler loves magnets! Try placing stickers on the magnets and be prepared to lose a few.
-Educational Flash Cards (the kind that are bound together in the corner)
-No need to pack these ones, Cup of ice and straw from flight attendant. Also I’m hoping to get a window seat so we can watch everything get smaller and bigger as we land and take off.
I’m excited to give my little man lots of ATTENTION!
What do you do to keep your children entertained while traveling?