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This week me and my boys had fun with food coloring! ; ) It's been cold outside, so this was a great activity to help switch it up after being inside all winter.
If you can't tell my 3 year old, just loved watching the food coloring in a jar. This was super easy to do and the kids will have fun helping every step of the way.Food Coloring Fun #1
You will need:
Oil (vegetable or olive)
Food Coloring
Clear Jar
Small mixing bowl
Fork or spoon
Fill the jar about 3/4 the way full with warm water. Set a side.
In the small mixing bowl, pour in about 1/4 cup of oil. Add 3-4 drops of each color food coloring. Gently stir. (My son loved adding and counting the food coloring drops)
Carefully pour the oil mixture into the jar and watch the droplets fall to the bottom.
*We did this about 5 times and it still wasn't enough! They LOVED it.
When we were done with this, I remembered another food coloring experiment that I did way back when I was a kid. We did this one a few times too! It's just as easy! ; )
Food Coloring Fun #2
You will need:
A dinner plate
Whole or 2% milk (the higher the fat the better)
Food Coloring
A Q-tip
Dish Soap (I used dawn)
Pour the mike on the dinner plate. You want to cover the bottom of the plate with milk but not so much that it's overflowing. ; )
Place a few drops of food coloring in the milk (that's been poured on the plate).
Cover the Q-tip with dish soap.
Take turns dipping the q-tip into the milk. (The droplets of food coloring will move around forming fun patterns).