
Toddler Hairstyles

I love all of the fun that comes with having a little girl! I love dressing my little girl up, shopping for her and doing her hair. When my little girl was about a year old here hair kinda hit an awkward stage and her sweet baby do's just didn't quite cut it anymore. So...I decided I needed to give some new do's a try. After about a month of practicing new hairstyles I am happy to share some of my favorites with you!

I love using elastics because they hold all day long and there are so many different hairstyles you can use them for.

2 Banded Pigtails

Elastic Braided Pony in Front

 Elastic Braided Pigtails
(5 or 6 elastics on each side)

Elastic Braided Pigtails Half Way 
(3 elastics on each side)

Topsy Turvys
Topsy Turvys are pretty simple to do and hold FOREVER. I think they really dress up a hairstyle and they are quick to do.  I have people stop me all the time and ask me "how do you do that?" when I show them they always say something like "I could totally do that!"  You really can do these...they are simple and you don't need to buy a tool. 

So...how do I do it?  My little secret is that I wet the hair down with a squirt bottle to prevent frizz. I then:
1- Section out the hair and put the section into a loose ponytail
2- Divide the hair under the elastic (the section closest to the head)
3- Flip the ponytail through the divided section
4-Pull ponytail elastic tight (If the hair isn't wet, this is where it will frizz)

Here is a video where they use the tool, you can do the same thing just use your fingers to pull it through. 

Half Up Topsy (Curled)

Half Up Topsy (Scrunched)

2 Topsy's Straight Back

3 Topsy's Straight Back

1 Topsy Divided

2 Topsy's Divided

1 Topsy, Half Up Pony

2 Topsy's, Half Up Pony

Topsy Pigtails

Okay, so those of you who have tried to braid a toddlers hair know it is pretty hard to get that baby thin hair to stay right? Good news...you can still do the braid.  I braided about half way and then secured the braid with a clear elastic and then finished braiding from there. You can't even see the elastic because it gets tucked in the the braid.  This trick will help the braid stay in all day too!

I love just using a simple clip to hold my toddlers hair back.  This is my last minute do. 

Clip (on the side)

Clip (with teased hair)

Not much to say about this ponytail, except why does it look so cute on toddlers?

I don't use these as often as I used to mainly because my daughter doesn't keep them in like she used too but I still think they are stinking cute!

Headband with Bangs Back

Headband with Bangs to the Side

I think these will always be my favorite on toddlers...they are just so cute!!

Down Low Pigtails (bangs in elastic)

Up High Pigtails (bangs in elastic)

Half Up Pigtails

I secure every twist with a bobby pin.  I simply twist the hair and then put a bobby pin along the twist.    I have found that getting the hair wet and using additional clips at the end of the twists helps it last for the day.

Cornrows or Mini Vertical Twists

Horizontal Twists

Twisted Back Piggies with Zig-Zag Part

Half Up
Half up do's are one of my go to do's when days are crazy.  I like to mix em up a bit!

Half Up to the Side

Half Up with Bangs in a Twist

Half Up Bun

My little girl has a little bit of curl in her hair so I love to show it off a bit by scrunching it.  I wet it down with a spray bottle and gel it really well and let it dry. I found this works the best if I use a thick gel...almost as thick as glue. 

Distractions are a must for doing little one's hair.  Here are a couple things that help me when doing hair:

First of all my little girl has to be sitting...I put her on the bathroom counter right in front of the mirror and stand directly behind her. 

I keep everything I need close by in a drawer.

I usually get 10 minutes top to do my little girls hair after that distractions don't work anymore she just wants down.

Here are a few of my little one's favorite distractions:
~Any kind of bottle and lid (she loves to put the lid on and off)
~Toilet paper roll holder (random...she loves it!)
~Bobby pins, Bows and Elastics (this is the only time she gets to play with them so they are cool)
~Phone (I have had her talk to grandma so I can do her hair)
~Books and Pictures (I talk about what she is looking at)
~Where is your game? (I ask her to touch her nose, eye, toes, ect.)

If you have any questions let me know...I would love to help! Hope this helps get you past the awkward toddler hair stage. Have fun mixing and matching what you see here so that it works for your little one.  


  1. What a fabulous post. My 3 year old liked it too!

  2. I am so jealous! My two year old won't even let me put a barrette in her hair. I'm going to show her this post and see if it changes her mind!

    1. Anonymous10/29/2012

      ...same mine... :(

    2. My daughter won't either as soon as try to put it in a pony she pulls it out instantly

    3. When mine was 18mo I had the same problem. Another mom told me to put it back the second they pull it out. Eventually they give up because they know you're not going to. Now my daughter is almost 3 and requests that her hair get done! (she has been doing that since shortly before her 2nd birthday)

  3. I really, really needed this!! Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. I am so glad I saw this,,, My little girls hair is all over the place at the moment. She is 18 months and I want to grow it but I really needed some ideas for keeping it out of her eyes.
    Thank you so much :-)

  5. I am happy to share, glad you found us. Good Luck with your little ones:)

  6. Really cute! I can't wait to try them. Thanks for sharing. I am a new follower. Hope to see you at True Aim!

  7. wow. What an amazing post. Thank you!! I have twin toddler girls-this will help so much!

    1. I agree, kids aren't allowed to be kids any more, they are extensions of their parents attempt to look cool. These rubber bands look painful in her hair and to tease or use hair products is ridiculous. I will be unpinning this site.

  8. Anonymous9/10/2012

    Who teases a toddlers hair?!

  9. I do...and it does look cute in my opinion.

  10. Anonymous9/12/2012

    Who gels a toddlers hair?!

  11. Anonymous9/12/2012

    These are cute! I love the tease! And the curled topsy was my favorite!! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Anonymous9/12/2012

    Not a fan of the "wet scrunched" look but I like the rest

  13. Anonymous9/13/2012

    I also tease and gel my daughters hair! We round brush it too. I think this is a great post! Thanks for sharing

  14. I love doing the elastic braided pigtails except I start at the back of my daughter's head and go up. A distraction that works great for her is a small magne board with different magnets. It entertains her for forever!

  15. Anonymous9/14/2012

    those aren't braids none of then are....and your parts suck

    1. Anonymous12/04/2012

      Your rude and pathetic... grow up! Your mother forget to teach you if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all?

  16. Debbie9/14/2012

    Wow people are mean....and for no reason too! Get a life.
    GREAT post! I gel my daughters very curly hair. Keeps it from losing its curl ad looking like a 90 year old women's do! Thanks for the suggestions!

  17. Anonymous9/15/2012

    Gelling it and making it look like a helmet are different...these all look like shit

    1. Anonymous9/26/2012

      Thats just rude. Shes simply trying to give other moms ideas, not be an amazing hairstylist. Geeze, get a life...

    2. U obviously do not have a toddler! It is almost impossible 2 get a perfect part! She is not asking 4 ur negative comments or horrific language, did u not read where mothers r showing this 2 their daughters! U r pathetic! I absolutely LOVE that u r sharing these styles girl :) and they may be simple but I def did not think 2 try half of them lol Please don't let these rude ppl who have no life's stop u from sharing :) they must live in a sad, sad world lol

  18. Anonymous9/15/2012

    So sad that people are commenting the way they are. Obviously they don't have a 14 month old little girl that wont sit still for you to precisely part their hair. And if they do, I would like to know how they get their child to sit that still (and maybe a picture to judge as well). In my opinion, these are way too cute! I want my daughter's hair to grow but it just looks odd right now. It's really too short to actually do anything with it. But having the multiple ties will probably work...I never thought of it. Teasing the hair is a good idea too. The baby fine hair just sits so flat sometimes. Thanks for sharing!!

  19. Thanks to all of you who left nice comments...I appreciate them. These are all do's that I have tried on my 14 month old who does not sit still and has very thin new baby hair. I will agree that the parts are off and her hairstyles are not perfect, in fact they are far from perfect. I am not a profession hairstylist but I do have fun trying new things and believe that the only way to get better is to practice. My purpose in this post is to share ideas not to show how wonderful of a stylist I am.

    1. I check out these great ideas all the time. Thanks for posting!! Forget the rude comments, someone obviously has nothing better to do!

    2. Let me tell you, I am a professional hairstylist with a 13 month old little girl, and I very much appreciated this post! You have some great ideas that I've never thought of. Thank you! Ignore the unhappy, grouchy people ;-)

  20. Anonymous9/16/2012

    you tube! find a song with singing or baby animals she sits long enough to do a quick side hold.... she is 13 months.

  21. I think these Hair dos are adorable!! I have nieces and trying to do their hair is near impossible!! I love the idea of the elastics half way thru hair dos it does look like it will help it hold longer thru out the day. Another I find cute is kind of like your picture (the 14th picture down) you baby has little hair to work with it looks like but put like 3 or 4 elastics across the front hair then from those pony tails put 2 or 3 then just keep going if that makes sense...

  22. Great ideas, gotta love you tube! Stephanie, that totally makes sense, I am excited to give it a try. Thanks!

  23. Very cute! What kind (brand) of elastics do you use? Thanks!

  24. Anonymous9/18/2012

    My daughter is no longer a toddler, but she still has fly-away hair...these styles are great to keep her hair out of her face during active play!

  25. Anonymous9/18/2012

    My daughter has very curly thin hair but a lot of it!! I am so happy you shared this! Very helpful and wonderful ideas!

  26. I buy the elastics from Sally Beauty Supply. They are called "professional braiding rubber bands." They are about $1 for 250. Here is a link so you know what I am talking about.


  27. I am a hair stylist and for every day styles on a toddler, they are adorable! I will just say though teasing and back combing do make the hair more likely to break off and therefore harder to get it longer and fill in. Otherwise great post! To all the meanies, why even bother posting. Didn't your mother ever tell you, if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all.

  28. I am a hair stylist and for every day styles on a toddler, they are adorable! I will just say though teasing and back combing do make the hair more likely to break off and therefore harder to get it longer and fill in. Otherwise great post! To all the meanies, why even bother posting. Didn't your mother ever tell you, if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all.

  29. Anonymous9/18/2012

    Some people are so rude! Mind your own business, if you dont like it keep your mouths shut! I think they are all great! I can't wait to try a few of them on my sweet wiggly child, LOL! Great post:)

    Had to publish as anonymous because I dont have time to work on another!

    Amanda Smith

  30. I rarely comment on blogs but had to for this one. These really are so great! My 2 year old might actually get something different than pig tails, pony tail and two French braids now. Thanks!!!

  31. Anonymous9/19/2012

    Sooooooo cute. My 7 month old has as much hair as the cutie in the pictures. I've been putting pigtails in since she was 2 weeks :) love all these. Gonna have fun trying them. She actually sits pretty good when I do her hair or untangle the knots from sleeping. Thanks for the cute post. Ignore the rude people they obviously have nothing better to do.

  32. Anonymous9/19/2012

    I'm not a huge fan of overly fancy styles for my 2 year old but some days she asks for 'doggy tail bunches today mummy' or ' fairy piglet hair'. WTF? Those are the days when these styles will be great to 'pull out of the bag' when a pony tail or plait just wont cut the mustard!!

  33. My 2.5yr old still has less hair than this, but some cute ideas especially for when her hair grows a bit more :) Thanks!

  34. Anonymous9/21/2012

    I'm just wondering how you ladies keep you daughter from pulling the hair style out after getting it in? When I do my 22 months hair it only lasts maybe 20 min before she manages to pull the elastic out plus a large chunk of what litte hair she has.

    1. Anonymous9/22/2012

      The only thing that worked for me was to consistently say, "no no" EVERY time she touched her bows or rubber bands for about a month and she finally stopped completely.

    2. When my little girl hit 18 months she started pulling bows out...I think I was lucky to have her go that long. I like the hairstyles with the elastics because she doesn't play with the elastics just the bows. I have found that the bows stay better if I use elastics too and that if I put the clip through the elastic or use a barette instead of an alligator clip. Anybody else have any suggestions?

    3. Anonymous11/17/2012

      My daughter is 21 months old and I'd love to try these but she pulls everything out! Even if i put a clip in the rubber band, she has it out in minutes. She used to be so good with leaving them in until about 17 months. Hopefully she stops soon so i can use these.

    4. When I use alligator clips, they usually have ribbon going all the way around the clip part. This makes the clip slide right out of my daughters hair so I just peel the ribbon off. Then I glue a small strip of the non slip drawer liner to the inside top. It holds great! As long as I can get her not to touch it, that is!

  35. Anonymous9/21/2012

    so very cute! My 18 month old is still pretty much bald and all I can do is a "tree" but I'm looking forward to trying some of these out when she finally get hair lol. Thanks for the inspiration!

  36. Anonymous9/22/2012

    these are all great ideas!!!!!! my little girl is 2 1/2 and has curly hair like shirley temple. it is beautiful but we get tired of doing the same 3 hair styles every day. (side part with a bow, half up on top of her head, and pig tails) can't wait to try some of these hair styles! and to the others who say it looks like a helmet... anyone that has a child with curly hair knows you have to wet it before you can do anything with it or it frizzes. the child has wet hair, not gelled to the max. open your eyes and be nice!

    love it and great job!

  37. Anonymous9/22/2012

    I work in a room with 2 and a half yr olds who take their hair down at nap a lot of the time so I love all these creative new dos!! Also, I can't believe how mean people are being... I can't imagine getting a 1 yr old to even let me put one pony tail in much less 5 or 6 or a braid... They should know that most parents are probably just happy to have washed their child's hair, much less execute the perfect zig zag part!

  38. Anonymous9/22/2012

    I didn't know if multiple ponytails in a white girls' hair was ok but I like some of these... Now to get her to sit still...... Hmmmm

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Beautiful pictures thank you so much for the post. I can't wait to try it out on my little ones. :)

  41. Thanks for this post. My 14 year old daughter actually sent it to me knowing I needed ideas for her 3 year old sister :) I hadn't thought of some of these, so I'll be trying them. Our 3 year old is very high energy and it's almost impossible to get her to sit still, and i like the styles that are the type where I can do a part of it, take a break, and then do another. btw, the mean comments are just by a "troll" who just likes to stir up trouble. Gotta love happy, positive people ;) Thanks so much for posting!

  42. Anonymous9/27/2012

    Great post! I don't have kids myself, but I have many friends that do. I will be sharing this! =)

  43. Anonymous9/27/2012

    Great Ideas! Im very inspired to try them with my 3 and 5 y.o. daughters. My girls have very fine hair and the multiple elastics are brilliant! Thank you :)

  44. I cant believe how rude some people are! These are so cute and a great idea for little girls. All of those rude comments most of come from somebody who is not lucky enough to be a mother of a little girl. I dont know any mom who wouldn't love all these hair styles. Obviously some work better for some then others...example my little girls hair has some wave curl to it I love scrunching it but if I do when she goes down for a nap she wakes up looking like a zombie so its hard to maintain through a full day but I love the post Thanks

  45. Anonymous10/04/2012

    These are so cute. I couldn't stop laughing because my daughter will never sit still long enough for some of these but they are great ideas! The teased hair was my favorite. Great for photos! THANKS!!!!!

  46. Anonymous10/05/2012

    This is great thanks for sharing all the tips

  47. I have two year old twins who hate having their hair done but because it's longer and super fine thin blonde hair I have to pull it up unless I want them to look like rag a muffins. I think for your daughters age your parts are just fine lol. My girls parts are always a disaster because they don't sit still! Great post.

  48. This is so WEIRD! But i know a baby who looks exactly like your baby. Same smile, same eyes its so weird!! Awesome post.

  49. Great tips! I do have another one for distracting toddlers... give them a dry erase marker and let them color on the mirror! When my oldest was a toddler, her hair was curly in back and it was such a pain to brush through it and fix it, I gave her a dry erase marker and never looked back! We looked forward to doing hair in the mornings!

  50. What a great idea!! We will have to give that a try. Thanks for the suggestion.

  51. omg love this!! my girls hair isn't long enough but when she's a bit older (now 10 months) I Will defenatly try these!! thank you

  52. Anonymous10/13/2012

    My almost 2 year old will hold still as long as she can watch videos of herself on my phone. Thanks for the new ideas

  53. Heather and Holly, wow it is a small world! I was looking at this post then I recognized the family picture at the bottom. This is janalees oldest sister. I found this link on pintrest and was loving it. Some really cute ideas. I love it and can't wait to see you cute moms again.

  54. Anonymous10/22/2012

    People just have no tact these days!! Thanks for posting this! I have a little one and I had no idea how to do her hair! I look forward to trying some of these out! Your little hair model is super adorable too!

  55. Anonymous10/26/2012

    How easily to the elastics come out of her hair? Do you pull them out and reuse, or just cut them off?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. I love these! My daughter is three and has longer hair now, but we are trying to grow out her bangs, so some of these would work great! Thanks for sharing.

  57. Anonymous11/10/2012

    These are all so cute I can't wait until my little ones hair gets long enough to try some of these. At the rate her hair is growing I will be lucky if I can start trying some of this when she turns 2. Thanks for sharing and for now headbands and hats are all we can do, when she keeps them on.

  58. Anonymous11/18/2012

    My daughter is getting a little better at letting me put her hair up! Hopefully I can persuade her to let me try one of these! Thank you!

  59. Anonymous11/22/2012

    These are all so cute and great ideas! Luckily my almost 3a year old is used to getting her hair done and sits still as long as I put on cartoons like Mickey mouse clubhouse and such. Good ideas for other distractions though! She doesn't ever sit still enough for straight parts though. Thanks for sharing! We will definitely be trying these!

  60. Anonymous11/25/2012

    Loved all of your hair designs defiantly going to do thirds with my 2 year old =)

  61. My sweet two-year-old finally like to have her hair done. I have used a lot of these, but there are some that I do in my older girls' hair and never thought to try in hers. Thanks for all the advice and cute pictures too.

  62. I like some of these, my daughter is 7 months and has a lot of hair lol we will try some thanks!

  63. Anonymous2/09/2013

    Thanx for the ideas! Passing them on to my dgt-in-law!

  64. Anonymous2/11/2013

    I found this on pinterest and I just wanted to say THANK YOU! My daughters hair is kind of crazy (Like most toddlers) I normally just throw it in a pony tail on top of her head but today we tried one of these and we did it on the first try and I am loving it! Thank you so much for sharing your ideas!!

  65. My 3 daughters are grown now, I did their hair daily even when they had really minimal hair, and were only a few months old. If you want your daughter to sit still to do her hair for school, it's wise to start early! If it is part of the regular routine, a little girl will oblige..most of the time.. I had little things that they got to play with ONLY when it was hair do time. The only time we really struggled was when one daughter had chicken pox bumps all over her poor little head! (new moms are saved by the vaccine!!) I could quickly do just about any hair do for the girls to go to school..even corn rows. It's easier for a girl to have hair that stays tidy rather than endure the combing out of stuff stuck in untidy hair, and untangling it. for really thick hair,(one of my girls had long thick braids when she was four!) a thick rubber rake like comb, and a spritz in detangler make getting through wet hair easier.lovely ideas!

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  67. Thank you for sharing your ideas, as a mom with a 3yr old that had tons of hair at birth I have run out of ideas for cute dos. Her hair is still pretty fine and I can't wait to try some of these out on her. PS I have another little girl due in May so this will come in handy for her too.

  68. These are wonderful! Thanks for sharing.

  69. My favorite distraction for doing my 20-month-old's hair is to do it while she's eating. It works great! She can't get out of her chair, and she's too busy enjoying her food to care what I'm doing.

  70. What is wrong with moms doing their daughters hair? Its fun if they let you. I have a 10 year old girl and an 20 month girl and I love playing with thier hair you women are just bitches that wamt something to complain and judge about.

  71. Anonymous5/04/2013

    Adorable do's, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!=] I also do my daughters hair on the counter standing behind hair, she's a great LiL helper holdin the bows! I've only done piggies, zig zag part, & a ponytail so far, but now that I've found this post...HALLELUJAH! & I also have gelled my babygirl's hair because she has been blessed with beautiful curls as well! Rock On!

  72. I had such a hard time flipping the hair for the topsy, but now I slide a regular hair tie through the part under the elastic, and loop it around the pony, then I pull it through. It makes it so easy!

  73. These are great! I give my 3 yearold my phone and she plays with a colouring app. Shes only just started to let me do her hair. I will pull up this page and scroll theu with her and let her pick one. She really likes that . Makes her feel like a big girl and then she will sit thru me doing it because she thinks it was HER idea lol

  74. Love these ideas! I try so hard to braid my little girl's hair & still haven't succeeded. Will definitely have to give the clear elastic tip a try!

  75. absolute WOWWY place. thank you for sharing. i tried several styles on daughter. and she looks great! i shared a picture of FB and my friends loved it too. they are asking for reference site. :)

  76. absolute WOWWY place. thank you for sharing. i tried several styles on daughter. and she looks great! i shared a picture of FB and my friends loved it too. they are asking for reference site. :)

  77. Wow! I am an African and I tought doing our daughters hair was more difficult but now I know its the same thing. My 18month old daughter can't keep still either to do cornrows puffs or braid. I really love your ideas and can adapt some of them not all since we have small tight curled hair

  78. My 2 year old sits on the counter with her feet either in or around the sink. I give her her toothbrush and have her brush her teeth while I am doing her hair. She loves to brush them, so it keeps her busy.

  79. Anonymous7/14/2013

    Cute, cute, cute! My daughter's hair is starting to get longer, so I need some ideas to put it up and back. Thanks. :)

  80. My daughter is half black half white and has really soft, thick curly hair. Any ideas for hairstyle I can do for her when she's old enough? She's 9 months now, she will be one in October. I can't believe it!

  81. GREAT!!! This being my 1st girl I've been doing the pig tails forever now just cuz their easy & I'm by no means a pro at this but figured it time to try something new but didn't know what... LOVE your ideas!!! I'd post a pic of what I did but can't figure out how but I think it came out okay for a 1st try!

    1. at least You can do pig tails!! My first girl as well lol and when I do pig tails they are all crooked no matter how I try to get them straight. One pig tail will be to high up, one to far to the side, one to far down! lol I get so stressed I give up!

  82. My 3 year old has thin curly hair. We are currently trying to grow her bangs out so right now her bangs are long enough that You can put it in a pony tail on her own but short enough that it won't go into a ponytail with the rest of her hair. Her hair is also all over the place!! Some of the hair at the top of her head isn't even a part of her bangs but they seem to think they are! It's the same with some of the hair more to the back. I am not a hair person. The most I ever do with my hair is throw it up or straighten it when I'm going to leave it down! What would You recommend I keep on hand for her haircare regimine? oh and I try to use the cute little hair clips to put her bangs to the side but all they do is fall out cause her hair won't hold them! As for bobby pins? I'm a fumbling mess with them. I swear I'm a lost cause!

  83. Wow I just loved the hair styles of the little angels you have shown in the pictures; I like the different ponytail styles in this blog.
    awesome hair color ideas

  84. My youngest daughter is almost three, but when having a difficult time trying to do her hair, I would put her feet in the kitchen or bathroom sink, let water run over her feet and then she sat still every time. Not sure if others have tried this, but it works wonders! Give it a try.

  85. hey love u.. even i hav twins ..both are girls ..thanks for sharing lovely hair style.........i will sure try thm on my kids........
    n ya love ur kids toooooooooooo......

  86. Anonymous12/12/2013

    I sell hair accessories on Etsy (whatababe.etsy.com) so I am sharing this on my facebook page! Thank you! :)

  87. I am a nanny for a 3 year old little girl and also a licensed hairstylist. It took me about a week to get Chicklet to let me touch her hair but when she finally did this really helped. She now lets me do multiple braids and buns and all kinds of cute things. She especially loves the topsys, I do them for her on a regular basis. Her mommy and nana are thrilled to see her hair all done and cute for her dance class, etc. Thank you for all of the ideas!

  88. Hey, Just found this via pinterest. I love this post about toddler hairstyles. What I don't love is the computer game/porn advertisement on your side bar. No offense, but I'm sorry to say I won't be coming back to your blog. :(

  89. I don't have children, but use to work at a daycare and use to do the little girls' in my class' hair, I use to distract them with food and snacks, cheerios, baby star puffs, and goldfish worked the best. The snacks worked so well that some of the girls as young as 1 would come to me to have their hair done because they knew they were going to get snacks.

  90. I have to say I have tried some of the more reasonable for me (because I have a hard enough time doing my own hair and NOT because I don't think the hairstyles are all adorable because they are), and every time I take my little girl out I get complimented on how cute her hair looks!!! Thank you so much for this post without some of these suggestions I think my little girl would look like raggedy ann instead!!!

  91. I have to say I have tried some of the more reasonable for me (because I have a hard enough time doing my own hair and NOT because I don't think the hairstyles are all adorable because they are), and every time I take my little girl out I get complimented on how cute her hair looks!!! Thank you so much for this post without some of these suggestions I think my little girl would look like raggedy ann instead!!!

  92. Wow I just loved the hair styles of the little angels you have shown in the pictures; I like the different ponytail styles in this blog.Thanks




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